If anyone is attending the Inman conference in NYC next week, and have no plans for lunch on Wednesday the 12th, consider joining me, Mark Boyland, and others for a fun-filled (okay, maybe not, given the topic) informal lunch-a-ma-thingamajig. I figure we’ll go from around noon till about 1:45pm or so. We’re going to talk about foreclosuregate, folks, and its impact on real estate brokers and agents. Oh yay!
Mark is a pretty frikkin’ smart guy, who also happens to be a specialist in short sales and REO’s in Westchester county, NY. He operates this website, for example, and knows his shit.
I figure we’ll do some pleasant chit-chat, then get into frightening doom-mongering type discussions, and hopefully emerge out the other end with possible solutions and things that the every day broker and agent can do about the situation.
There’s no cost, except you pay for your own food and drink. This isn’t anything sanctioned by anybody — just a purely informal thing. But, hey, if any of you big title guys or mortgage people want to sponsor it and have the opportunity to explain to some very interested real estate industry people why they should or should not worry about this whole foreclosure mess, feel free to contact me. 🙂
I haven’t picked a restaurant yet, because I have no idea how many people might be interested. So, if you’re interested, leave a comment here, or ping me on Twitter or Facebook. I’ll announce where once I have a rough headcount.
Or, it could be just me and Mark having lunch and getting real depressed. 🙂
5 thoughts on “Doom-mongering, With Sandwichs!”
That looks like Junior’s on 45th. Love that place!
Looks promising – well, the sandwich does at any rate
I’ll be there, obviously.
Working on release of 2011 Swanepoel Trends Report. Won’t be bale to make it. Sorry. Enjoy. Keep me posted on any decisions to change the world 🙂
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