For the Zillow, Trulia, Report Buyers

Hi there – first of all, thanks!

Second, though, since I’m ironing out the bugs/issues with membership/premium content plugins, I realized some of you were having issues accessing the free follow-on report. I think I’ve fixed it for everybody, but if you’re having any problems, contact me please and we’ll sort it out.

Also, for everyone who is purchasing the premium content, I’m having some professional coder help in the next couple of days (I honestly did not expect this kind of awesome response), but in the meantime… the easiest way to access posts is:

Go to the PREMIUM link in the navigation.

Login; there should be a form if you’re not logged in. It will either take you to the post, or to the Dashboard. The links are in the Dashboard.

If, instead, you see your name… you’re already logged in. The links are also in the Premium section page — you should be able to get to what you paid for.

Again, if you run into any issues, please contact me:

Thanks, and I apologize for any inconvenience as I work out the technical details from having overwhelming response for a one-man shop here. 🙂
