REX v. Zillow Goes Forward: Analyzing the Court’s Decision

One of the lawsuits going on right now, which I’ve discussed in podcasts and such, is REX v. Zillow. I didn’t really write on it before for a variety of reasons, the biggest of which is that I regarded the lawsuit as an unfortunate waste of time for everybody involved. Another reason is that I … Read more

DOJ Ends the Armistice with NAR: Back to the Trenches We Go

[UPDATE: To celebrate Independence Day, I’ve decided to make this one open to everyone. My VIP subscribers have mostly already read it over the weekend anyhow, and the issue is important enough to the industry as a whole that I thought it an appropriate July Fourth gift of sorts. Yay, ‘Murica!] I was traveling most … Read more

The Seven Most Interesting People in Real Estate in 2020: The Unprecedented Edition

Welcome to the fifth installment of an annual tradition around here: the Seven Most Interesting People in Real Estate, the 2020 Pandemic Edition. This was a weird year, to say the least, and it isn’t over as I start this post. You know that word that was so popular all through 2020? “Unprecedented?” Yeah, unprecedented … Read more

Tweetstorming the Industry Relations Podcast with Jack Ryan of REX

[Note: These are the personal opinions of Sam DeBord and do not represent the position of RESO, the National Association of REALTORS, or any other organization associated with the writer.] R.O.B and Greg Robertson recently interviewed Jack Ryan of REX on their Industry Relations podcast. The story of REX isn’t a new one. It’s a brokerage … Read more

REX and the DOJ: Implications for the Future

[Quick disclosure: While I admire and respect Jack Ryan, CEO of REX, and count him as one of my friends, I have no business relationship with REX, apart from using them for a home purchase. I have spoken to REX prior to writing this post to make sure that I do not violate any confidentiality … Read more

Your Partners Reflect On You: Observation on Customer Service and Home Warranty Companies

Thanks to a catastrophic plumbing issue that just happened at Casa de Hahn last Thursday, Sunny and I became front-row observers and participants in the customer service debacle that is home warranty companies. We’re nowhere near out of the woods yet, and we’re facing weeks of repairs ahead of us, including replacing the flooring throughout … Read more