Articles filed under February 2008

CLC vs. Craigslist: Great Coverage

If you care about legal issues, this is a must read post from Real Estate, Real Competition, and The Law. Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil

Popcorn, Soda, Candy — Part Deux!

I had a feeling I would not be disappointed in entertainment value of this little kerfuffle.  And I was right. 🙂 Joseph Ferrara from Sellsius

Actual Suggestions for

After my… ahem… tirade against, I felt kinda bad.  I mean, they seem like such sweet, nice people with such good intentions.  Granted, I

Popcorn, Soda, Candy – check!

I thought I was perhaps being a bit unkind to Marc Davison in wondering why a marketer would post what he did about being a

Most Powerful Brands in Real Estate?

I was doing some research at work when I came across something absolutely bizarre. There is no list anywhere of the most powerful brands in

The Future of Brokerage Paper

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