In this episode, I chat with Jim Klinge of about his prediction that the end of buyer agency is nigh *without* government action. Jim has been a real estate broker in the San Diego area for decades and has seen the industry change from the ground up. We talk about how the market has changed, how incentives are now against buyer agency, and what we might see over the next few years as a result.
Notorious POD, Ep. 33: End of Buyer Agency with Jim Klinge,
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Notorious POD Ep. 33: End of Buyer Agency with Jim Klinge,
In this episode, I chat with Jim Klinge of about his prediction that the end of buyer agency is nigh *without* government action. Jim has been a real estate broker in the San Diego area for decades and has seen the industry change from the ground up.
Bio (via email):
Jim has been selling homes throughout San Diego County since the 1980s, and is the lead agent of the 7-person Klinge Realty Group @ Compass in Encinitas, California.
Jim’s wife Donna is the dynamo who runs all aspects of their real estate practice, which enables Jim to focus on listing, selling, and writing his blog,, where he has documented the local real estate experience since 2005.
They have two daughters; Kayla is a realtor in New York City, and Natalie in a professional dancer in Hollywood.
Rob and Jim,
I have to think that yes-it looks bleak IN THIS MARKET as a trend, for buyer agent side value recognition and buyer agent reward ratio. But, think back to 2009, when buyers had to sort out between 5 short sales,4 reos and several or more “market listings” in a very narrow niche.. Wasn’t the short sale listing agent banging in 20 listings a month lacking value then? Just a clerk? The great buyer agent had value then well beyond 2.5-3%. The market is severely unbalanced and it may not seem that way, but a shift to balance will happen again.
I do not think buyer agency will disappear-but all remaining players will need to be more efficient in a 1.5-2 and 1.5-2 world. Let the culling of agents who add no value begin soonest!
Howdy Jim-hope you are doing well..thanks for handling my interesting referral earlier this year!