Starbucks vs. Twitter

So my post about Twitter is generating a fair amount of commentary from readers.  The general tone appears to be that while one shouldn’t Twitter

Questions for the Twittering Realtor

According to Forrester Research, 6% of Americans use Twitter. Robert Scoble calls bullshit: There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that many people are using Twitter. My

A Word (or Two) About Realogy

Noah Rosenblatt over at Urbandigs notes potential huge problems over at Realogy (H/T: 4Realz): According to Crain’s “Seven area firms make endangered list“: “The most

IBNMA, Heresy, and Reality

Looking through my junk email folder today, in pursuit of Inbox Zero, I ran across a long spam email from Paul Chaney, the President of

The Future of Brokerage Paper

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