Articles filed under Real Estate

Tragic, tragic, tragic

From the Victoria BC Real Estate Blog comes this shocking story about Lindsay Buziak, a 24-year old real estate agent who was found dead, murdered,

Levers of Marketing

Seth Godin has one of his signature short posts that provoke a lot of thought on the three levers of marketing.  He believes that the

IN or OUT? How about Way Out?

Marc Grayson has a post up on Real Estate Tomato asking whether bloggers should focus on the IN audience (industry peers) or the OUT audience

But… That’s SO Web 1.0!

Dan Green over at Bloodhound Blog understands marketing.  Well, I’m sure I’ll find some place and time to be a pain in the ass to

But… That's SO Web 1.0!

Dan Green over at Bloodhound Blog understands marketing.  Well, I’m sure I’ll find some place and time to be a pain in the ass to

The Future of Brokerage Paper

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