Notorious POD, Ep 39: Musings – Answering Questions on Crypto, Blockchain, NFT, Metaverse and Real Estate

Musings is a solo version of the Notorious POD in which I think out loud about issues in the economy, technology, and real estate industry. I recently took part in a panel discussion hosted by Elm Street Technologies. It was a fantastic discussion with other people whose expertise overlaps the world of real estate and … Read more

Further Thoughts on What Crypto, NFT, Web3 Mean for Real Estate

My friend Sam Debord, with whom I debate a lot as I do with most of my friends, recently published an excellent piece on what crypto, nfts, web3 and the rest mean for real estate. He’s a very thoughtful guy, and it’s obvious that he’s done his homework on this post. He tries to make … Read more

Crypto, Blockchain, Bitcoin, NFT, Metaverse — These Things Are Not the Same

For the first post of the New Year, I thought I’d start with something I expect to have to refer back to periodically throughout 2022. There’s a lot of confusion, and as a result a lot of FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) about all things crypto, blockchain, NFT, the Metaverse, etc. etc. Just today, I saw … Read more

Can I Sell My Home as an NFT?

Have any of you been keeping up with NFT’s? They are the latest and greatest get-rich-quick scheme that is just a bunch of internet trolls using decent marketing to sell mediocre artwork for outrageous sums of money. That’s all, right? What are NFT’s? It turns out NFT’s, or non-fungible tokens, might change the way we … Read more