Articles filed under Real Estate

Free Loot from Onboard

So my employer, who graciously allows me to spout off my personal views on this blog, is offering free loot to blogger types everywhere.  I

Why Are MLS’s Monopolies?

So here I am cruising the Interwebs, checking out various posts from around the, and I run across this jewel of a post from

Why Are MLS's Monopolies?

So here I am cruising the Interwebs, checking out various posts from around the, and I run across this jewel of a post from

Onward Kristian Soldiers!

The Setup The talented and lovely Kris Berg is but one of the able spokespersons on the vanguard of a movement I have whimsically dubbed

What Makes A Realtor Good?

I originally had a different post planned for tonight, but an online conversation with a friend, followed by an interesting set of exchanges on twitter

The Future of Brokerage Paper

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