How Will CMLS’s White Paper Argue Against RINRA?

I had heard that CMLS had retained two former DOJ and FTC attorneys to help them draft a white paper laying out all of the reasons why the MLS is a force for good in the world, and Inman News published confirmation in this story: In order to do this, Batts and Carson are working … Read more

The Mystery of the Housing Market in the Fall of 2022

I have to go back to work on a number of projects, but… I had to puzzle this out with you all in public. The latest Redfin report on the housing market is… weird. The headline is “mortgage payments hit all time high” as the Fed keeps hiking rates. So the recommendation is for sellers … Read more

No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy: Thoughts on CoStar and BPP’s Breakup

Writing has been thin as I’ve been on the road constantly, and very busy with projects. But news came across today that fairly requires some commentary. General “Mad Dog” Mattis, a storied military commander and Secretary of Defense under Trump, is said to have once told a group of Iraqi tribal leaders, “I come in … Read more

Desperately Seeking Housing Collapse

Over the past few weeks, there has been a flurry of posts, articles, tweets, and other expressions of… what to call them… predictions? opinions? studies? that all drive to the idea that the US housing market is either collapsing already, or about to collapse. Because the Fed, you know? Raise rates on fiat dollars, and … Read more

Four Horsemen of the Housing Apocalypse, Part 6: New Jerusalem

I had originally planned on the Four Horsemen series to be five parts: the four Horsemen, plus a wrap-up laying out the consequences for the real estate industry. But as I mentioned in part 5, a couple of you have asked for a slightly medium-to-longer term post-apocalypse outlook on the industry. Once the dust settles, … Read more

Four Horsemen of the Housing Apocalypse, Part 5: What It All Might Mean

At last, we come to the end of this dismal series. While it has been dismal, some of your emails and private messages have been very kind and encouraging. Dark these thoughts may be, but some of you share them and there is a comfort in knowing we’re not alone. (Update: but see below in … Read more